
[Photograph QT] The Sea

  • 조회 2857
  • 2014.09.08 09:42
  • 문서주소 - http://jpn.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Photo_Essay&wr_id=32

The Sea

The sea, the name itself makes my heart leap and flutter.

To me, the sea is a resting place for the spirit which makes my heart beat 

and gives me rest.

He who created the beautiful sea by His word and named it ‘sea’, is our God, 

the Mighty One.

He made me His Child. I want to live thoroughly in the grace of God, the Father 

in heaven, in the blood of Jesus, in His ardent love. 

Written by Ye-Ji Oh | Photograph by Yong-Bin Kim

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #398 Aug 16, 2014

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