
[Photograph QT] Sunset at the Sea

  • 조회 2865
  • 2014.10.15 11:45
  • 문서주소 - http://jpn.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Photo_Essay&wr_id=36

Sunset at the Sea 

The sun is setting, tinged with red between the rocks. 

The seagull came to gaze upon it. It’s wings are so beautiful, like a beautiful

watercolor painting. The sun sets, the flower withers, and life is gone like them.

However we live in wealth and honor, if we don’t deeply encounter the Lord, 

will it be meaningful life? On the day when your life is gone, if you cannot go to

heaven, have you had a valuable life?

Written by Ju-Hyun Bang | Photograph by Yong-bin Kim

Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #403 September 27, 2014

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