
[Photograph QT] From the Valley of Mt. Odae

  • 조회 2776
  • 2015.03.24 17:22
  • 문서주소 - http://jpn.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Photo_Essay&wr_id=54

A barely frozen valley is melting with the coming of spring. The land might wait for 

farmer’s busy harvesting after repeating the melting and freezing of the land over 

and over. Even nature gives fruit to the landlord, but I received salvation through 

the precious blood of Jesus, what should I give to my Lord Jesus?  Now I will open 

my heart widely for Jesus to use me freely as His own.


/ Written by Ki-Ja, Han |Photo by Yong-Bin,Kim

  Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #422 (Feb 7, 2015)

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