
[Photograph QT] The Ground Covered by Snow

  • 조회 4584
  • 2016.03.05 18:47
  • 문서주소 - http://jpn.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Photo_Essay&wr_id=91

The ground is feathered with snow on the roof, the cars, the flower bed and on the square ground. The snow cozily covers a leafless tree. The rainbow colors of the umbrella juxtapose the white snow. The car tracks lead to the parking lot. The snow makes my heart flutter. It looks different according to where I focus the lens of the camera. It can look different, strange or intriguing… Will it be a basic creative action? I feel to turn my inside out. Uncovering the cover of the snow…

Written by Seong-nam Jeon, Photograph by Yong-bi, Kim
Extracted from the church newspaper #463 (Dec 12, 2015)

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