
[Photograph QT] Frost on the Ttrees of Mt. Taebaek

  • 조회 3913
  • 2016.03.05 19:03
  • 문서주소 - http://jpn.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Photo_Essay&wr_id=93

The frost on the trees of Mt. Taeback is eye-wateringly sparkly, catching the sunlight peering through the clouds. All through the night, God’s display is fascinating. God sent Jesus, His one and only Son, unsparingly for us. I wonder how much I love Jesus. I am sure that those who know His mind has His character.

Written by Ju-Hyun BangⅠPhoto by Yong-Bin Kim
Extracted from Yonsei Newspaper #466 (Jan 2, 2016)

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